TRANSICIÓN CIRCULAR & ASG Transitar de modelos de negocio industriales lineales a circulares que cumplan las taxonomías financieras - criterios ESG


THE CIRCULAR TRANSITION AND ESG Transition linear industrial business models to circular ones that match ESG financial taxonomies and criteria


Companies will be given advice to transition to a circular model and obtain ESG accreditation. Since December 2018, Spanish law 11/2018 for non-financial information obligates companies with more than 500 employees to file a non-financial information statement (NFIS) with their annual accounts. That requirement will be extended to SMEs in the midterm. In addition to being their ESG rating, it is a criterion that is valued by financial institutions for scoring companies and, consequently, granting loans or financing under more or less favourable conditions.

  • Know the extent to which non-financial information statements (NFIS) are created in companies in Gipuzkoa
  • Know the level to which the SDGs are included in the business strategies of large companies in Gipuzkoa
  • Create a ranking of the business fabric of Gipuzkoa based on ESG criteria
  • Advise companies in Gipuzkoa about including ESG criteria in their business strategies 


  • A roadmap to make the circular transition in a way that is suitable for fulfilling the ESG financial criteria taxonomies


Companies Involved