EKOPLASTIC Intervention Protocols and Mechanisms for Preventing Disperse Marine Waste on the Coast of Gipuzkoa


EKOPLASTIC Intervention Protocols and Mechanisms for Preventing Disperse Marine Waste on the Coast of Gipuzkoa


Every year around 11 M tons of rubbish end up in the world’s seas and oceans. The Bay of Biscay is not a stranger to the presence of marine debris. Faced with that situation, and with the goal of deepening knowledge of the problem and making progress in the struggle against marine debris, the development of EKOPLASTIC has been proposed.

  • A deep study into the diverse domestic and international protocols for preventing disperse marine waste
  • Execute an action plan with intervention mechanisms at local and regional levels


  • Improve the current situation of the Basque coast in terms of pollution and marine plastic by developing high-impact actions tied to prevention
  • Promote the transition of the territory to more effective, efficient and environmentally sustainable plastic marine waste prevention models


Companies Involved