GSBI - Gipuzkoa Sustainable Business Index
GSBI (Gipuzkoa Sustainable Business Index)
Diagnóstico y análisis de las pymes guipuzcoanas en su transición hacia organizaciones triple impacto y en su contribución a la transición ecológica y justa del territorio
- Identify the key elements that contribute to the ecological, sustainable and fair transition of SMEs in Gipuzkoa.
- To design a methodological proposal focused on the collective economic, social and environmental measurement of Gipuzkoa's SMEs, thus determining their level of triple impact organizations and their contribution to the SDGs and strategic objectives of territorial and European development.
- Generate the GSBI indicator (Gipuzkoa Sustainable Business Index) that allows to globally measure and monitor the level of triple sustainability of Gipuzkoa's SMEs and their level of contribution to Europe's triple impact objectives.
- To provide Gipuzkoa's SMEs with a proposal for change and transformation processes to facilitate their transition towards triple impact organizations.
- Promote a new model of socio-economic development in the territory that supports the achievement of the following SDGs:
- SDG8: Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all.
- SDG11: Make cities more inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.
- SDG12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.
- SDG17: Revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development.
- MEASURING with a common methodology and specialized in SMEs what is the economic, social and environmental impact of SMEs in Gipuzkoa.
- GENERATE aggregated information that favors decision making towards the ecological and fair transition of companies and the territory.
- OPEN spaces for intersectorial dialogue where collaborative proposals of triple impact can be worked on.
- CONTRIBUTE to the development of a triple impact business network.
- EMPHASIZE the role of SMEs in the development of a more prosperous, sustainable, resilient and inclusive territory.